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Removing that Unwanted LCD Trigger Slop!


VW's are the game
LCD Trigger Side to Side Slop!

Ok gather around boys and girls... Here is how you can take some of the slop out of your LCD trigger. You can also do it on the Impulse as well.

1) Go to the local AutoParts and ask for a feeler gauge set. Not sure if that's what you Britts call them.

2) Take the frame off the body and start with the .001 feeler gauge and stick it between your frame and trigger. Continue to do so till the slop is out and the trigger still moves freely. This takes a sensitive feel to know if it is still moving freely.

3) Then you drill a hole just larger than the pin and cut that piece of that gauge off you just put it back in between your Frame and Trigger.

Just like that you removed that unwanted slop! It's really that easy! For some beer I can hook any of you up!:D Feel free to ask any questions here.
tsk tsk rooster

Now you have just cost yourself a sale. I only wanted the cobra trigger as I was told this will remove that slop of chips old dark. And then you go and tell me how to fix it:D :D
Oh by the way they are called feeler guages over here as well:p
I previously thought that I could bodge the slop out in this manner by using plasti-card shims but your system seems a lot easier.
Cheers dude:D :D