Putting Some Paint through it as normal fired first shots (about 5) then it went onto a green flashing light i know what this means(Eyes need cleaning) but i dont know how to resolve it any help would be appreciated!
On the Rail, the green flashes can mean 2 things, officially. Clean the eyes, and if they are clean, swap the battery for a new one.
And at least for my Rail2011, the eyes are cleaned by the bolt, so greens flashes always means new battery
Is it a good 9V battery - an ALKALINE type of a sort, like Duracell? I know that if I use a cheap but brand new 9v battery in mine, I might only get a few shots off before it green flashes me again.
In that case, I have no idear. Sorry. My last attempt would be to have look if the eye cover is so worn that the eyes are getting abstructed. (dont mind my spelling/phrasing I'm from Denmark).
Good luck with it.
pull the eye pipe out and give it a good clean and also put a swab down the breech to give that a clean maybe some paint has passed under the eye pipe and clogged the eyes up? thats what i would do anyway