Just a quick note. Firstly i would like say how much i like reading PGI and playing the game of panitball. But rescently i joined Team bad touch i my first touney is this weekend. But lasted night i was speaking to to my new team capt and he said that there are some people out there bad mouthing me. The people bad mouthing me say i can't play the game. I'd like to know who it is, and i am really p!"*^%ed off, i am getting fed up with it. Some paintbllers have the audacity bad mouth me, how can they bad mouth me when they don't know me in the slightest! No ieelgal hits, always call myself out when marked, HMMMM case of sour grapes, Come on lads, this is a hobby, competative maybe, but there is no need to behave as if your are in the playground again is it??