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random subject thread?



Could you be a little more specific as to why not? I think it would be great to have a section wherin we could amuse one another without being smacked down by mods or whinged at by mod wannabes (you know who you are). If we can't have one, despite the exciting new server etc, then could we please be told why not and perhaps debate the issue properly instead of being told "you just can't and that's it".
If enough people want an off-topic section, why on earth not? I know that some people on these boards take both themselves and the grave responsibility of running a paintball forum very seriously, and an off-topic section would "clean up" SYB and also provide hours of innocent amusement in a place which all the serious humourless types could avoid. (I bet if there was such a thread all the people who currently piss and moan every time someone posts something funny would still visit it, if only to maintain their sense of superiority.)
We've recently had threads about footy etc remain unmolested and a thread about Europe which if started by anyone else would have been axed in seconds, so there are some non-paintball topics that seem to be ok; let's get them into a section of their own and at the same time have some really good arguments about issues a little larger than paintball.


Aug 15, 2002
Cook$ mom's house
Sorry - but if there was an 'off-topic' section, can you imagine the amount of sheer bollox that would get posted? It would turn this site into a Euro-PBN:eek: :(

I personally go to 'other' paintball sites which have non-paintball threads if I feel the need. P8nt for me is all about the 'Balling:)

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by ollytheosteo
Could you be a little more specific as to why not? I think it would be great to have a section wherin we could amuse one another without being smacked down by mods or whinged at by mod wannabes (you know who you are). If we can't have one, despite the exciting new server etc, then could we please be told why not and perhaps debate the issue properly instead of being told "you just can't and that's it".
If enough people want an off-topic section, why on earth not? I know that some people on these boards take both themselves and the grave responsibility of running a paintball forum very seriously, and an off-topic section would "clean up" SYB and also provide hours of innocent amusement in a place which all the serious humourless types could avoid. (I bet if there was such a thread all the people who currently piss and moan every time someone posts something funny would still visit it, if only to maintain their sense of superiority.)
We've recently had threads about footy etc remain unmolested and a thread about Europe which if started by anyone else would have been axed in seconds, so there are some non-paintball topics that seem to be ok; let's get them into a section of their own and at the same time have some really good arguments about issues a little larger than paintball.

Do a search, you'll find we have explained why not about a bazillion times already. It gets kinda tiring having to repeat the same line over and over again...
Simply put though, this is a paintball forum, where we talk about paintball, though we do let the odd off topic thing slide if it doesn't get out of hand too much. Believe me when I say that for that one footy thread that stayed, I axed a hundred more.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
How 'bout a Random Ban Threat? Sounds like more fun to me. We use an algorithm that assigns values based on number of posts. The more you post the less likely you are to fall victim to the random ban--but, here's the good part--the more likely you are to post such utter rubbish a mod takes you down anyway. Every post, every moment spent at P8ntballer could be your last--now that's exciting!

Sounds good, right?!


Just call me Cam...
Jun 12, 2003
Surrey, UK
Visit site
Originally posted by Buddha 3
Simply put though, this is a paintball forum, where we talk about paintball, though we do let the odd off topic thing slide if it doesn't get out of hand too much.
Which explains the most recent Gold Board addition..
