A day late a buck short ...
Well, here I am ... sticking my head in ... better late than never right?
I highly recomend that you get the stock vertical feed (VF) cocker. The first thing that would normaly need to be replaced is the grip frame. the Carbon fiber is notorius for breaking. The VF comes with a metal 45 frame. The next thing you would need is an agitating loader. After that would be new barrel. I recomend yo invest in a barrel system, an one you like. but the system will allow you to shoot any kind of paint you pick up. The next thing you would consider buying would be a new 3-way. I would say Bomb or STO. Next I would replace the front reg. Either buy an adjuster cap for it of buy a palmers Rock. Then the ram. Either STO or ANS SS mini ram. Then I would replace the hammer. they are good now, but not great. I love the warped Heavy hammer kit I have in my cocker. it also makes velocity adjustment much easier. Then I would buy the Hinge trigger WGP, Eclipse or DYE are the best right now. Then I would get a Low Pressure chamber and get it drilled out for low pressure. Then new stock valves have pretty good flow. If you wanted to lower the pressure further I would drop in a new valve. I've heard great things about the Rocket valve by Madman I plan to pick one up myself when I have some cash. then, after you have done all of that, get nitro. Don't get nirto until you ABSOLUTELY have the money. It's not nearly as needed as every one says. it was the last thing I bought for my cocker and I went from +/- 5 on the crono to +/- 4. Not a big deal. That and my front reg doesnt give me frost bite anymore ...
This was all my opnion. There may be better products out there, but these are the ones I like the best.