Changing the rules in midseries
Hello Colin!
I´m afraid you are wrong with your assumption.
You are just repeating bits of desinformation, which some members of the millennium board/administration are offering us players as excuses to revert back to the old fashioned round robin mode.
Consider this: Round robin means 3 games per team in the finals, new best-of-two mode means minimum 4 games, maximum 6 games per team in the finals. So the difference is only 1, 2, or 3 games. We need less than 2 boxes of paint per game, so on average a team will need only around 4 boxes more. 4 boxes of paint at a millennium event cost around 160 Euro. 160 divided by 7 players is less than 23 Euros more per player.
These 23 Euros are totally neglectable, compared to the huge amount of Euros the whole tournament costs a player, including entry fee, paint, airfare, rental car, hotel, food, drinks and all the other stuff.
Hell, even the player ID card is more expensive than these additionally paintballs!
And at least you get something for it: Opportunity to play more matches against fierce opposition on well thought-out fields, under supervision of dedicated marshals in an superbly organised tournament surrounding. And these are the very reasons we attend the millennium series at all!
To follow your argumentation would mean, that every team should play e.g. only five games in the whole tournament, so they can save paint. But we are not travelling all over Europe to save paint, we want play, the more the better!
After all, in each category there are only 4 teams concerned by this mode. These teams gonna play for the championship, they don´t care about 20 something Euros more, if they had come so far!
The new best-of-2 mode is far superior than the old fashioned round robin, both for players and spectators alike. We played both, in Lisbon and in Bitburg, I know what I´m talking about.
So why is the millennium changing the mode in midseries, of course only for the "lesser" teams? They gain more time. After the scheduling fiasco in Lisbon they decided to cut overall time on fields on the finals day and kicked back AmB and Nov finals well into the past. I don´t like it, but I have to live with that. The Millennium Series set higher standards every year in many respects, they are even improving things from event to event, but may be for this change of mode in midseries, they should consider to ask the concerned teams for their opinion.
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