I just watched the LA Open footage at Warpig and in the last game, the last player on the losing team is defending his back bunker. He's coming out of his right side and you see a ball impact the top right side of his ricochet hopper. You can tell that it broke because you see the paint spray along the angle of impact, and you can see that the player felt it because he immediately checked his hopper. That qualifies it as an obvious hit doesn't it? Then a ref runs into the picture, I don't know if the hit player called him or the other team sent him, and checks the player including his hopper and calls him clean. I am supposing the ref saw the spray but it was not big enough to call the elimination if the ref didn't see the hit, so I'm not saying the ref screwed up, but doesn't what the player did constitute playing on? I just want to get a little clarity here.