Refs, about 7 on average. I think the pro refs were all on the x-ball, or at least I did not notice them on the other fields.
Staging was FAR, I am surprised that the schedule did not get further behind, but lots of the teams drug their paint to the field and stayed there (since the air was set up by the field).
There were some signs at the entrance that we were requested to use, but I don't know about the other entrances.
There were bleachers, that was a plus.
Vendors were set up by the staging area, that was ok.
Playing on the grass was great.
My humble predictions will be you will see a big east coast/west coast split, unfortunately. I think you would have already seen it except west coast will participate in LA & Vegas since there are no travel costs involved. This would be the time for PSP to really step up to keep the teams who played Super 7, and I don't think they did.
One good thing, I think you will see a lot of teams move up (especially out of novice), since several teams I spoke with were flabbergasted that teams like Hostile, who played rookie at cup make the finals (Ok granted they picked up Marcus, but still) in the Am division, same goes for Legacy, didn't make semis as Novice at Cup makes the grade in pro. I am not bashing them at all, in fact, they were smarter than we were! There should be a lot of moves up, for those who choose to spend their money at PSP Vegas.