Proaktiv's FIRST hosted tournament.
Radcliffe, North Manchester
Sunday 13th July 2008 - starting at 10:30 sharp!
The field will be open to walk from 09:30 onwards.
Straight to the good stuff: PRIZES
1st prize - £100 and 3 boxes of paint
2nd prize - 3 boxes of paint
3rd prize - free entry to the site for all 3 players at their next training session (not including tournaments)
Unlike a lot of other tourneys, the entry fee is simply a green fee PER PERSON, not per team.
Entry will be £20 per player or £35 with a box of paint included.
If you don't have a 3 man team, COME DOWN ANYWAY and we will make sure you're on a team, even if you're matched up with some of the Outlawz.
If you feel unfairly matched, speak up and we will mix things up.
Standard 3-man rules will apply and can be explained on the day if you have any questions.
The tournament will take place on our full size Millennium field with good clean air refills to 4500psi (normal fill and slow-fill available).
This will be a good opportunity to either prepare yourself for the UK tournament scene OR train with existing team members.... either way, the aim is to HAVE FUN and WIN SOME PRIZES!
Decent paint will be available on the day at £25.00 for a box of 2000
Hot food and drinks will be in healthy supply (including Rob's uber bacon/beef/cheese Burgers), cold drinks will include ROCKSTAR energy drink for an extra kick to your game
PLEASE ENSURE YOU CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE IN ADVANCE so we know how many players/teams to expect - you can either PM Rob (Millennium Man) or post up in this thread. Please only confirm if you are positive you can make it.
For directions (and to watch part of our Nicky T training video) visit
See you there!!!
Proaktiv's FIRST hosted tournament.
Radcliffe, North Manchester
Sunday 13th July 2008 - starting at 10:30 sharp!
The field will be open to walk from 09:30 onwards.
Straight to the good stuff: PRIZES
1st prize - £100 and 3 boxes of paint
2nd prize - 3 boxes of paint
3rd prize - free entry to the site for all 3 players at their next training session (not including tournaments)
Unlike a lot of other tourneys, the entry fee is simply a green fee PER PERSON, not per team.
Entry will be £20 per player or £35 with a box of paint included.
If you don't have a 3 man team, COME DOWN ANYWAY and we will make sure you're on a team, even if you're matched up with some of the Outlawz.
If you feel unfairly matched, speak up and we will mix things up.
Standard 3-man rules will apply and can be explained on the day if you have any questions.
The tournament will take place on our full size Millennium field with good clean air refills to 4500psi (normal fill and slow-fill available).
This will be a good opportunity to either prepare yourself for the UK tournament scene OR train with existing team members.... either way, the aim is to HAVE FUN and WIN SOME PRIZES!
Decent paint will be available on the day at £25.00 for a box of 2000
Hot food and drinks will be in healthy supply (including Rob's uber bacon/beef/cheese Burgers), cold drinks will include ROCKSTAR energy drink for an extra kick to your game
PLEASE ENSURE YOU CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE IN ADVANCE so we know how many players/teams to expect - you can either PM Rob (Millennium Man) or post up in this thread. Please only confirm if you are positive you can make it.
For directions (and to watch part of our Nicky T training video) visit
See you there!!!