I am having a bit of a culling session on my collection of markers. I would like a quick price check on what to put these up for.
Green pump is a 2005 prostock with full ccm delux pump kit, ccm gripframe with autotrigger, ccm clamping feedneck.
Black pump is a very low serial numbered cocker, that has been custom milled with ptp style detent. Again this has been fitted with a ccm delux pump kit, dye single trigger hinge frame.
Black slider cocker is a '97 cocker with a benchmark slider frame with roller sear, has belsales hollowpoint 3-way, V.I.P ram, cp reg and cp asa.
Black mini cocker, is a ptp mini cocker with "windows" milled into the body to see the working parts move. Fitted with full belsales rex dialer kit, eclipse hinge frame, clippard ram, and very short stroke 3-way.
Proline sterling stp pump, eclipse splash anno'd, has smart parts all American barrel.
Agd rt classic mag, red smear anno'd lvl10 bolt all tuned and working great, has matching barrel, but also has a mag to cocker barrel adapter so I run carbon barrels, it will also come with a ninja shp bottle reg to make it shoot about 26+bps.
Green pump is a 2005 prostock with full ccm delux pump kit, ccm gripframe with autotrigger, ccm clamping feedneck.
Black pump is a very low serial numbered cocker, that has been custom milled with ptp style detent. Again this has been fitted with a ccm delux pump kit, dye single trigger hinge frame.
Black slider cocker is a '97 cocker with a benchmark slider frame with roller sear, has belsales hollowpoint 3-way, V.I.P ram, cp reg and cp asa.
Black mini cocker, is a ptp mini cocker with "windows" milled into the body to see the working parts move. Fitted with full belsales rex dialer kit, eclipse hinge frame, clippard ram, and very short stroke 3-way.
Proline sterling stp pump, eclipse splash anno'd, has smart parts all American barrel.
Agd rt classic mag, red smear anno'd lvl10 bolt all tuned and working great, has matching barrel, but also has a mag to cocker barrel adapter so I run carbon barrels, it will also come with a ninja shp bottle reg to make it shoot about 26+bps.
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