Hi , maybe considering selling my gear to fund new car and wondering on what prices would be reasonable for the below.
Sorry no pics atm due to having bits here ,there & everywhere . just really after a guide line price wise.
Geo 3.5 midnight 10/10 condition , includes pro tip / shaft 4 boost kit ,81 ,85 ,89 ,93. Unused soft bolt full spares unopened
Fde new grip set plus original black set. £900 http://p8ntballer-forums.com/threads/showcase-your-marker-2015.172101/page-8#post-1579762
Lv1 custom anno purple previously owned by renie , condition 8/10 £550
2 x fuel bottles with ninja regs . Born dates 2013 & 14 £125 each
200 spires
Custom dyed spire shell plus rain lid by me £50
Custom dyed spire 200 ,lid and speedfeed done by mike the moustache £110
Brand new fde 200 spire £120
Grillz joker , black thermal lens condition of mask like new £50
Eflex etac new condition used once includes clear , 2 smoke and fire lenses £80
About 5 proflex builds obviously hard to price until bits listed.
Empire kit bag large type 8/10 condition £90
Empire grind shin/knee pads & elbow pads. £30 & £25
Empire bt pro tht camo jersey / pants £50 & £35
Few more bits also but that's it's for now
Sorry no pics atm due to having bits here ,there & everywhere . just really after a guide line price wise.
Geo 3.5 midnight 10/10 condition , includes pro tip / shaft 4 boost kit ,81 ,85 ,89 ,93. Unused soft bolt full spares unopened
Fde new grip set plus original black set. £900 http://p8ntballer-forums.com/threads/showcase-your-marker-2015.172101/page-8#post-1579762
Lv1 custom anno purple previously owned by renie , condition 8/10 £550
2 x fuel bottles with ninja regs . Born dates 2013 & 14 £125 each
200 spires
Custom dyed spire shell plus rain lid by me £50
Custom dyed spire 200 ,lid and speedfeed done by mike the moustache £110
Brand new fde 200 spire £120
Grillz joker , black thermal lens condition of mask like new £50
Eflex etac new condition used once includes clear , 2 smoke and fire lenses £80
About 5 proflex builds obviously hard to price until bits listed.
Empire kit bag large type 8/10 condition £90
Empire grind shin/knee pads & elbow pads. £30 & £25
Empire bt pro tht camo jersey / pants £50 & £35
Few more bits also but that's it's for now