>>>A couple years back, PaintballNW.com had a writer named Hardcore. He was the orignator of he top ten. After teasing us with 2 or 3 articles, Hardcore traveled to the South of India where he attained enlightenment. He was later spotted in Kabul working with the Special Forces. A safety inspector for a nuclear facility after that and now he is back with PodBitch.com. Expect to see a monthly thing here. <<<
Now I love tha bitch an all, but can anyone see any slight similarities here to a certain pball God who has attained enlightenment in Tibet, been - and may still be - with Special Forces - and got tha weapons inspectors into Baghdad - all of which has been documented here, in PGI and in WPG?
Someone's trying to steal TJ's life!
Now I love tha bitch an all, but can anyone see any slight similarities here to a certain pball God who has attained enlightenment in Tibet, been - and may still be - with Special Forces - and got tha weapons inspectors into Baghdad - all of which has been documented here, in PGI and in WPG?
Someone's trying to steal TJ's life!