Proto Rail
Ive just got one as a spare for next season and its great the only thing i did'nt like was the barrel it was'nt that accurate so i put my pipe kit on and it was great luckly there a cocker thread so my ego barrel fitted.I think there going to be popular as there great value for money
you wont be dissapointed! i just maxed out my ion like a crazy man but my wife wanted a pmr! so i got it 4 her she doesnt know yet but she had a go on one owned by a fella called lambchop (stunning bloke!) at the dragons lair woodsball tourney (i was playing for total chaos 3rd place woot woot!) she took it to the range and let rip and now i know i can get away with murder for a few weeks from when she gets it! back on subject tho it is pretty much a pm7 (from what i have heard the board is the same, not sure how true it is tho) just has a polymer frame and a lot less metal all over! thats not a bad thing tho as its so light its unbelieveable! you will be glad when you have it! my only gripe was that i didnt like the trigger felt a bit to rubbery but lambchop said you get used to it and its really nice!