How much are pmr's worth in box with keys lube manual and spares?? any idea people?
J Joshh.. #187 The Manchester Firm Feb 22, 2008 79 5 18 33 North Lincolnshire Jul 28, 2011 #1 How much are pmr's worth in box with keys lube manual and spares?? any idea people?
SantaCruzScotty Plat Member - Samurai! Oct 24, 2010 282 19 28 Cardiff, Wales Jul 30, 2011 #2 I sold my old PMR Air force blue (With problems from buyer) for £175 Try around that price and ask people to bid you and see what offers you get.
I sold my old PMR Air force blue (With problems from buyer) for £175 Try around that price and ask people to bid you and see what offers you get.