what yoy say sound normal mate. when you hit 7.5 bps it goes into ramp which ramps at a3shot burst at5bps making it 15bps. if that makes sense
it was on PSP. now ive changed fire mode, aired it up and its just pissing air outta the back cap. i dont have any dye slick oil... best ive got is shocker lube.. any good?
please forgive my ignorance . ive bought this pm7 a week ago and was an ego freak before was hoping to use this tomorrow but looks like i'll be shooting my 07 ego
again how would i do that would that be simply turning down the reg. there seems to be an lpr or some kinda cover in the front where the lpr should be. is that just to blank the gap or can that be adjusted somehow.
again past a blackdragon and ego and possibly the odd angel i havent got a clue