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Plz Delete Mods - All sorted Ty


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
Hey all , getting back into the game and need to replace alot of bits due to some being nicked cple weeks ago. Looking for the following :

Rotor with speedfeed

Dye Pants ( 36 waist, L ? ) ( now sorted )
Dye Jersey ( XL ) ( now sorted )
E-Vents and bag - not worried on colour ( now sorted )
Kit Bag - a bloody big one plz <g>
DM8 Tadao
DM8 Spares Kit

Can collect in southampton area if need be etc.

Please note : I cannot pay for anything untill insurance cheque arrives next week then clears, but if anyone has the bits i want then its a done deal , just dont wanna have to find and buy everything in one day, so would need it on hold for few days....
