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Playing top for super sweaties.


Jun 7, 2016
Hey guys glad to have joined the forums.

So this is my dilemma. Any suggestions? I'm looking for a thin playing top great for wearing under a tac vest. I get hot playing, face like the sun, body pi£%ing water hot. So I need something like running top material I guess....

but it needs to be a camo one too. For the life of me I can't find anything that is thin and breathable enough.

Something sweat wicking. There was a "Valken v-tac echo" top that was perfect but seems to no longer be available in the UK. There are lots of rec/arena jerseys, but I play woodsball and want something that doesn't look like I should be in the X-games or bmx bandits.

So what do you sweat monsters use? Any recommendations?