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Playing the snyper


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Mar 3, 2002
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One of my favourite positions to play on the field is that of the snyper, I like to find a good hiding place and try to pick people off unawares!

Now this is not always easy if someone sees the stream of paint flying from the bushes I am hiding in, and this is often where I come unstuck!

One method I have been trying to use is to always move after a few shots to keep my opponents guessing!

Does anyone else like to play the snyper?

Does anyone have any tips or tricks for this method of attack?



New Member
Oct 27, 2001
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I'm guessing you are in for a roasting over this one, mate, as most of the Tourny guys who post on here scoff and ridicule the idea of a paintball sniper. They are entitled to thier opinion, I suppose, but as long as you are enjoying yourself, I say go for it, and don't worry what anyone else thinks.
For some tips, you can't do much better than this website:
shoot an' move is always good

Try just to shoot in two/three shot bursts when ya get a clear shot - no long trail to follow back to its origin.

One of Tyger's faves, if memory serves, is to find a big ol' bush or copse of trees, and as soon as you make your shot crawl backwards quickly and quietly - that way even if they get a bead on where the paint came from and spray your position, you should already have backed out of their line of fire.

For that matter, practise your crawling - best way of getting into an' out of sniping spots without getting seen.

Get/make a silencer for your gun too.


( .)( .)
Oct 15, 2001
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TJ - make a silencer ???? Technically there illegal in the USA and far less effective then a ported barrell .
Darwerks - What most people here mock is the concept of a distance sniper . a concept which is impossible in paintball because all markers shoot nearly the same distance when firing the same fps . Personnaly i dont play concealed but one of my m8's does and he's pretty good and damn annoying to play against . :D


Team Wikings
Mar 19, 2002

Best way to snipe is moving slowly along the tape (only works with cover) and waiting to shoot until enemy is close range - forget about long range... Unless off course you are John Wayne or Rambo :cool: ??? Being fancy dressed is not all (though it might help)!!! And as already written... go fo a max of 3 shots in a burst - and get away for a while...

I used this technique at a Big Game, when my Shocker (serial no. 1307) went down - and I had to borrow an INFERNO!!! Marked 3 people out within range of 10ft (mostly experienced players :eek: ) and ran home with the flag a bit later...



New Member
Jan 18, 2002
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One trick is to move out a ways in front of bunkers that you know your team is going to use (This takes a little coordination and teamwork before the game begins), then find a good hiding place. Let the other team go past you and engage your teamates in their bunkers. Then the fun begins!:D You start your snipering from their backs while they are bussy with your team mates. With all the paint flying they may not even notice you at first and when they do your team can keep them pinned down so that they can't get into a good position to take you out. :p Also, you have them in a cross-fire, so unless they are in really great cover they will be in someones crosshairs. Just be careful that you don't get taken out by your own team.

Unless they can get you with a luckey shot, their only option is to retreat and you get a little target practice on some moveing targets.:D :D :D

Good Luck!!!!



Old School, New Tricks
shoot an' move is always good

Originally posted by TJ Lambini
One of Tyger's faves, if memory serves, is to find a big ol' bush or copse of trees, and as soon as you make your shot crawl backwards quickly and quietly - that way even if they get a bead on where the paint came from and spray your position, you should already have backed out of their line of fire.
That's about it, yes. Actually, the idea is to own a zone. You're finding a section you like, moving in, putting up a sign that says "Keep Out", and generally laying claim to an area. It's not really a sniper role as much as you're trying to prevent many people from overrunning you in one spot by being unpredictable.

More later. Promise. :)



Lord of the Ringtones
One shot, one kill policy will result in you being the one kill. Wait until the shot presents itself, take it immediately, and follow up with as many as needed to get the job done. Not any more, nor any less. All the while, though, don't stretch yourself out too far from safety (always have a barrel condom in your pocket), and don't forget to pay attention to everything around you too.