Me and the other half have been thinking for a while now about opening up a new site in the East Midlands in an town called Kettering and really just wanted to know people's thoughts about this. Obviously to keep it up and running it will need you guys to come and play. But from ideas we are currently getting together are to have a single field at first just to get things up and going then expand to have 3 sup air fields. There will also be catering on site for hot food and drinks for the players, there will be the normal green fee of £15 for the day if you bring your own paint or there will be paint to buy on site which I'm thinking of having the gi sport ranging from 1 star to 3 star there will also be hard standing staging area for keeping equipment safe and covered if its a rainy day but instead of diving straight in I would like for you guys to say if you would play and if there is anything you think I should add or change this will maybe take some time to come into action but knowing it will have support will be great and give me more push to get it up and running ASAP