Oh right thanks just stumbled across it that's all, oh of course haha! This is site is so much better and easier to use than that, if I was to make a selling page on there also what is the postage like to send to America?
You're going to have to check for yourself about the postage rate - all packages have different prices, you have a choice of carriers, need to ensure the right sort of tracking and insurance are covered, that it is acceptable to send the items you want to send and that you take into account appropriate packaging for the item and the handling it will go through
It will have to be of interest to foreign buyers, at a value they are willing to pay (bear in mind that their is a bigger paintball market in the us and different monetary values - not just £ to $ conversions but different economies), ensure an appropriate payment method is used, and that there are difficulties dealing with people in other countries. Remember that by default PayPal etc favour the buyer in disputes, and with international sales you can be dealing with different terms