Alright Damnit. I want to know why the hell paintball isnt on TV as much as it should be. The last time I saw a broadcast of just a paintball tournament was world cup a few years ago. I mean for christ sake, do we really need a 24hr. marathon of the Lumberjack Championships on ESPEN?!?!?!?!?! I think I know the problem, not enough hot women playing paintball. Who the hell wants to turn on a sports station and see our ugly sweaty asses running up and down the field. Beatrice from JT hasn't been around the paintball scene that long and shes already going to be featured in a womens entertainment cable network thats seen in over 43 million homes across the world. I've been playing forever and the most i've accomplished is being on the cover of a paintball mag. So what if shes asian, tall, hot with nice measurements? Look at me, young, Italian, smart ass, ITS THE SAME DAMN THING. I WANT TO BE ON THE WOMENS ENTERTAINMENT CHANNEL.!! ugh. And another thing, why isnt paintball part of the x-games yet? What is more extreme than paintball? Again, more hot women=more time on TV. You can't tell me Keely is the only good looking girl that plays or wants to play. Guys........bring out your hot girlfriends to play, please please please please, and if your girlfriend is not hot, hey, the world needs female gunsmiths too. Oh yeah that reminds me, hey ant, why arent there any female writers for PGI? That would be so damn cool, who cares if they could write, just put a huge ass pic of them next to their article everytime and make the print so small that you couldn't read it anyways. MORE SKIN=MORE WIN. Who cares if they dont wanna play or write, were men dammit, they listen and work for us.!!!!!!!! We dont listen to women, they only need to listen to us!!!! MAN POWER MAN POWER.....****, my girlfriend needs me to walk her dog, i gotta go. I just hope I can hit submit before she reads this.....TOO LATE!!!! (sounds of chris in pain with groin injury fill the room, followed by silence........he slowly gets up and returns to computer)....where was I? Oh yeah, women are delicate flowers and deserve our undying love and attention. They own the earth and are the keepers of the great poonaie. Now if you don't mind I have a swollen gland I must taking care of now. Cya guys.
ps.what do you guys think?
ps.what do you guys think?