In the Wiltshire, Hampshire or Dorset area?
Because Christmas and New Year decided to steal the weekends this year our Christmas walk-on is on Friday the 30th December! So come along and burn off some of that Christmas over indulgence, show off those shiny new toys and get away from the family and kids for a day!
This month we are offering a £5 discount on all options from our usual prices!
Day prices including paint are as follows:
£45 inc 1 box of entry level paint (normally £50)
£50 inc 1 box of intermediate paint (normally £55)
£20 bring your own paint (normally £25)
Price includes 3k air fills, hot lunch and tea/coffee all day
New players welcome
Rental equipment available.
Paintball South
New Road
Just off junction 2 M27
12 miles from Southampton
Message facebook page 'Paintball South' for more details or to book in:
Add yourself to the Walk-on group:
Or call 0800 316 1722
Cleared by Robbo

Because Christmas and New Year decided to steal the weekends this year our Christmas walk-on is on Friday the 30th December! So come along and burn off some of that Christmas over indulgence, show off those shiny new toys and get away from the family and kids for a day!
This month we are offering a £5 discount on all options from our usual prices!
Day prices including paint are as follows:
£45 inc 1 box of entry level paint (normally £50)
£50 inc 1 box of intermediate paint (normally £55)
£20 bring your own paint (normally £25)
Price includes 3k air fills, hot lunch and tea/coffee all day
New players welcome
Rental equipment available.
Paintball South
New Road
Just off junction 2 M27
12 miles from Southampton
Message facebook page 'Paintball South' for more details or to book in:
Add yourself to the Walk-on group:
Or call 0800 316 1722
Cleared by Robbo