Most ladies would be un aware of the potential for breast cancer and it is a repetative thing. Ie the more hit "damage " the higher the risk breast tissue is delicate.
A bruise is when the bodys tissue is "Damaged"and the cells flood with blood and cause the bruise and the marks "we" are all so used to. This in it's self is not an issue as I have explained as it is surface bruising and not deep vein clots most often form in the ateries in the legs- deep tissue.
It is more commonly an inactivity thing in high risk groups. Smokers, pregnant women, the overweight and those with family history.
But falls can also start them off or trauma ie head injury. Banannas put you at risk if you are in that catorgy, evening primrose oil too. I kid you not they are loaded with oestrogen that also sets off clotts. Hence the pill problem women DIE taking the pill some times it only takes days young other wise healthy women litterally colapse and die.
A clot in surface levle tissues would be very small and localised the problem with deep vein thrombsis is that it's in the veins and blocks them. The affected area blocks, you swell up your skin gets cold and clammy = no circulation and pressure builds up. This is when a part of a clot can be break off or if it is smaller can be pushed by sheer pressue to move. Then it will go were the flow goes it can't go just any were as you have a blood system but depending on were it is ususally head or legs it can get to your lung when stopping for oxygen, your heart when trying to pump your blood round. Or your brain when trying to feed it with oxygen. Like I said I have had 2 one in the leg
One as a result of a fall, on the brain. 2 weeks unconsious in hospital later. I am ok now but this is one reason my spelling gets worse when I am tiered. I have had serious head injuries I am ok now but it is not something I would or could afford to do again and if I though for one moment I was at risk from playing or marshaling I would regretably stop.
It has put me off sup air seeing the pros mug each other in the head at those distances frightens me.
I think it is some thing we will have to deal with if not now then some time.
Bearing in mind point blank head shots happen and there is no manditory requirement for any form of head protection other than goggles.
Yes we have forehead protection on our goggles and the foerhead is a more vunerable area so too the eye brow area. Look at all the scares with eye brow peircing and optic nerve damage.
It is only a thought but it does worry me I think head protection should be manditroy and women shoud wear breast protection made for us. We are diffrent and have medical complications to protect against.
I did air this before whilst waiting for my test responce and no one awnser
I for one am very glad this whole issue has been brought to light again.
If we are to obtain sporting staus enter the olimpics we have to be seen to be safe a very difrrent ball game.
sparklie handing over the soap box sugestions on a thread near me bottle in the sea email some time soon
eddited due to spelling nastys and so not to cause offence not content