me an a load of mates went to crealy, about 15 of us, a handfull had played before. a couple of the refs mates turned up and challeneged us, including the ref on our side, so, 2-16.
They had the ref, so it was 3 of them with, er, one with an angel speed, but they all had sweet markers, they all had proper gear battle pack etc. then theres the 15 of us, me my a good mask an a basic tippmann 98c, my mate with a good mask ( his cheap ass ebay marker broke after er, 2 games?) and another bloke who joined us, with basic own gear. The rest had inferno's an crappy masks.
it was so fun wiping their smug expressions off their faces, not one of us was taken out. ok i know 15-3 is no real victory, its was still fun beating the 'pro's' at their own game