I didn't think apps were that expensive to work and operate. Once u have a nerdy/techy type who knows what they coin. If they were expensive u wouldn't get so many stupid free games lol. There's a lot of members on here I would have thought they would be at least a few who wouldn't mind developing an app. By I wouldn't know where to start sonic it is expensive then fair enough.
There are so many free / cheap games because most are 'assembled' from game design packages, people use them and move on to the next craze
Few are realy free - they are cheap at less then £1 to make the majority buy them, free ones usually have in-app extras that are not free, or they advertise the developers other games.
A forum app has a smaller market. Tapatalk links into the software of many forums, but must be supported by the software the forum uses, or an addon enabled
If tapatalk is not supported, or it does not support features of the forum then custom software would have to be developed
Someone has to buy the development tools, spend the time, possibly get paid, pay to register and publish then hope people are willing to pay to use it. Followed by having to support any problems and keep it updated for the forum upgrades
I don't like forum apps - I find them annoying and limited in functionality
The forum 'app' I use works with every forum - safari, it supports all the features of all the forums I use
Add a shortcut and you're away