It is defo not in a stadium it is being held just out side barcalona
about 30 mins away
Definitively, we can´t rent a stadium for our Open. In spite of a previous agreement, it is too expensive now.
So, we decide to make it in our own paintball field, 30 minutes from Barcelona.
We´ll have 4 SupAirBall on grass.
You can see that here:
As we can reduce costs, we ´ll reduce also the inscriptions. And increase prices.
Until december 31st, 400 Euros for team.
This reduction will allow your team for rent a car and enjoy your accomodation in Barcelona.
For the teams who wants an accomodation near from fields, we´ll have some "country houses" less than 5 minutes from tourney.
Tomorrow, you´ll have any information in the web site. Inscription, bank, etc.
Excuse me, please, for answer late.
Best regards.