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NXL comments after Texas Open

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Most of my own comments will have to wait for the Texas report upcoming in PGi but a couple of things require a bit more space than the report might allow.

Overall, the NXL is gonna be great this year and Texas wasn't bad despite the horrific weather. (Horrific at least to a Florida boy.)
But, from what I've heard, anyone who wasn't there would be hard pressed to know it. The league must do a better job of informing and reaching out to the pball community. A regularly updated site with daily reports during events is a must. Build on the interest that exists with the new teams involved--don't let it die on the vine like the original NXL effort.
Additionally, on site, include a large, easy to read running scoreboard of the match results along with a schedule of matches so anyone who does show up and wants to watch knows where and when and all the rest can easily follow the event as it occurs. If the NXL is a showcase somebody better start acting like it, dammit.

Organization and officiating. The NXL is in a transitional phase here and it's critically important to the league's image and its actual function that these items be handled correctly and right now. The commish's office is vacant and as of Sunday afternoon last, no final decision or deal had been arranged. The league would be very foolish indeed if they didn't sign ex-Rage, former Strange coach Tony Mineo to the job. Also, new refs are being incorporated into the league's crew and officiating as a result was spotty in Texas. It's essential expansion and the teams need to be prepared for the crews to get up to speed but at the same time Tony and head ref, Bob, need to stay on top of the developmental refs--which I believe they are trying their best to do.

How the new ranking and seeding works. I'm throwing this one in 'cus I don't think anyone outside the NXL -- and some inside -- has a clue how this is working.
Top two prelim scores automatically move to elimation rounds on Sunday. Two wild cards from across all divisions fill out remaining two spots.
High point scores coming out of divisional play are top seeds. In case of ties (for example, numerous teams in Texas finished prelim round 3-1) the deciding factor becomes points differential from the prelim round.
On Sunday scores don't matter, only winning or losing. For final ranking teams either move up or hold their position. The lowest ranking team to lose it's first Sunday match finishes eighth and on up the list. As happened in Texas the 5, 6 and 7 seed all won dropping us (Miami) to seventh overall since we lost to XSV.

Vegas event will have prelim divisions seeded according to rankings from Texas.

If anyone has any questions I'll think about answering them if I can. ;)


Brimstone Smoke
Mar 28, 2003
<b>Originally posted by Baca Loco:</b/> High point scores coming out of divisional play are top seeds. In case of ties (for example, numerous teams in Texas finished prelim round 3-1) the deciding factor becomes points differential from the prelim round.
Is this correct? I heard all weekend that it was the amount of points that <i>your</i> team scored through the prelims...not the differential. Maybe I misunderstood?


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
Originally posted by Baca Loco: High point scores coming out of divisional play are top seeds. In case of ties (for example, numerous teams in Texas finished prelim round 3-1) the deciding factor becomes points differential from the prelim round.
Originally posted by ChuckC
Is this correct? I heard all weekend that it was the amount of points that <i>your</i> team scored through the prelims...not the differential. Maybe I misunderstood?
Originally posted by Baca Loco:
How the new ranking and seeding works. I'm throwing this one in 'cus I don't think anyone outside the NXL -- and some inside -- has a clue how this is working.


New Member
Apr 2, 2003
Visit site
Originally posted by Baca Loco
The league must do a better job of informing and reaching out to the pball community. A regularly updated site with daily reports during events is a must. Build on the interest that exists with the new teams involved--don't let it die on the vine like the original NXL effort.
Since this has never been done before, I assume it is impossible to do. ;)
Besides, I've not been an active player for more than 3 years, and amazingly I can now afford to pay my rent, cable, and electric bills.
As you can tell by my occasional involvement in here, I still have a passing interest as to what's going on. Were the PSP/NXL to build on my interest, I may once again hear the "call of the warrior" as it were, and that could land me in the proverbial van down by the river.
As someone who is quite addicted to running water and air conditioning, I think they're doing an excellent job right now. :D