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Nspl Div 4 2007


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2005
Last year it was 7man as was the entire NSPL league.

Syd (NSPL Organiser) posted this up a little wile back:

NSPL 2007 - Division Structure

The structure of the NSPL division will change for 2007 in order to cater for more teams needs and ensure that the league is encouraging the development of teams/players from KotH level right up to entering Millenniums.

Div 1 - Locked to 11 Teams
East Coast Irritant
Stealers Am
London Tigers Am
Taunton Snatch A
Bristol Loco
MH2 Llanfair PG
De Novo
South Coast Quake
South Coast Stealers
Outrage UK
Maidenhead Trauma

7-Man, Millennium Ramping format.

Teams not wanting their spot can trade, sell, give it to another team prior to the season starting, but must inform the NSPL of this arrangement. The overal winner of Div 1 2007 will receive a significant money prize equivalent to entrance fee for two Millennium Events in the division of their choice. This must be spent on entering Millennium Events. After much thought, this seems the best prize to be giving out to keep to the NSPL mission statement rather than simply giving out a cheque. The bottom two teams at the end of 2007 will be relegated to division two.

Division 1 teams may play division 1 and 2 teams at SW and SE fixtures.

Div 2 - Unlocked
Existing NSPL teams must discuss moving up to this division with me prior to the start of the 2007 season if they haven't already qualified. They must get my agreement before being granted a place. New teams to the NSPL can choose to enter this division. This division will be locked at the end of 2007 and a significant prize for the winner of the 2008 season and beyond will be introduced.

7-Man, Millennium Ramping Format.

Division 2 teams may play division 1 and 2 teams at SW and SE fixtures.

Top 3 teams will be promoted to division 1.

Bottom 2 teams will be relegated to division 3.

Div 3 - Unlocked
Any team can choose to enter this division.

7-Man, Capped Semi Only Format.

Division 3 teams will only play other division 3 teams.

Top 3 teams will be promoted to division 2.

Bottom 2 teams will be relegated to division 4.

Div 4 - Unlocked
Any team can choose to enter this division.

5-Man, Capped Semi Only Format.

Division 4 teams will only play other division 4 teams.

Top 3 teams will be promoted to division 3.


1 4 all and all 4 1
Feb 25, 2005
cost wize?????

well paint is £25 +++ a box and 7 of you will use 5 to 15 box of paint

entry was £35 per player
£10 food and drink

Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
Entry fees will be announced in a couple of weeks when the www.nspl.co.uk web site receives its annual overhaul. It will be a price-per-player, so each player regardless 7-man or 5-man will pay the same for entry.

Division 4 of the NSPL will indeed by 5-Man, Semi Only, this season. Paintball Warehouse will be providing all types of Draxxus paintballs at NSPL events, and some other paint suppliers may be at the events (TBC), but the NSPL remains Bring Your Own for now.