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Not Recocking


New Member
May 21, 2002
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allright i have a rebel bottemline and the F*cking thing won't recock!!! i have tried everything.....taking it appart completely and looking for debree stuck in places were they shouldnt be, new co2, have some pro shop guys look at it. But i have a freind that has the same gun and were exchanged grips and it works fine. so i have narrowed it down to the trigger part but i dont see anything ovesoely wrong about it!!!

any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


Jones the Paint Magnet

All the gear - no idea
Dec 19, 2001
Croydon/East Grinstead
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I'm just guessing here, but have you checked the trigger sear and the bolt for wear? If the sear can't catch on the bolt (or whatever a blowback semi sear catches on) then perhaps this is why it won't cock. Usually trigger sears should have a a nice sharp angle to them - if it looks chipped or rounded you may need to replace it.