We need to destroy these southern Fairies on the field of combat, we have now lost for 2 years so lets get it on and kick some southern butt. We will have Squad Captain meetings on the Friday and Saturday to talk tactics and to put the right size squads in the right place and any feed back. We also need squad Captains to walk the battle field with myself to get the feel of what is to come. The Site is a big place so we need to get to grips with the lay out and style of play that needs to change, no more long balling lets go toe to toe. .If you want to talk to me drop me a pm. We need to call in the Norths Best, we need this win no more second place down with South " Up The North "
See you on the Field of Honour
We need to destroy these southern Fairies on the field of combat, we have now lost for 2 years so lets get it on and kick some southern butt. We will have Squad Captain meetings on the Friday and Saturday to talk tactics and to put the right size squads in the right place and any feed back. We also need squad Captains to walk the battle field with myself to get the feel of what is to come. The Site is a big place so we need to get to grips with the lay out and style of play that needs to change, no more long balling lets go toe to toe. .If you want to talk to me drop me a pm. We need to call in the Norths Best, we need this win no more second place down with South " Up The North "
See you on the Field of Honour