Well, this is the problem, we (Nexus) gotta train, hold the trials for the feeder team, play Miami and try to keep our other halves from blowing their tops.......
We also have to fit in there somewhere, a repeat of the Nexus seminar we held a few months back as well as a follow up seminar for teams who wanna go up a level and who attended the first one....
But we will do it I promise, I gotta have a few discussions with Nicky, Jack and Ledz when he gets back from his holidays and we will be announcing the dates of the next seminar.
Now I ain't really sure yet which seminar to run first, whether it be the repeat or the follow up, dunno yet on that one, you guys out there should probably let me know what you want the most.
Anyways, I will start trying to carve out a weekend where we can hold a training day.
BY the way, for any of you wanting to know about the Nexus feeder team trials, here is the link and don't forget, everybody's welcome, I ain't looking for pros, I'm looking for talent !