i own a TPX which is working fine no Problem to Play with 300fps using CO2 but with HPA a can´t get more than 260fps then the relief valve will blow. I replaced the spring of the refiefvalve by a bolt so it can´t move to open and used an Reg. with 1100psi outputpressure nothing gets better !
The TCR Valve is more milled inside than a TPX one and may the newest TiPX Valves are milled the same way too !?!?
Cause of the bigger Volume inside the newer Valves there should be have more Punch, more gas = more fps !!!
Hope someone could help me, i have written to Tippmann but no answer and i don´t want to spam them !
If there new Valvebodys i would try to get one before i go mill my one !!!
i own a TPX which is working fine no Problem to Play with 300fps using CO2 but with HPA a can´t get more than 260fps then the relief valve will blow. I replaced the spring of the refiefvalve by a bolt so it can´t move to open and used an Reg. with 1100psi outputpressure nothing gets better !
The TCR Valve is more milled inside than a TPX one and may the newest TiPX Valves are milled the same way too !?!?
Cause of the bigger Volume inside the newer Valves there should be have more Punch, more gas = more fps !!!
Hope someone could help me, i have written to Tippmann but no answer and i don´t want to spam them !
If there new Valvebodys i would try to get one before i go mill my one !!!