I got a spyder classic for sale in the classifieds, just go to the classifeids section and type my name in the search box, i only got three posts up so i shouldn't be that hard to find.
Anyway the guns going for £85 including
* a battle pack and 4 pots to hold your paintballs in during the game, (just in case you didn't know what i was going on about)
*Clear elbow (connects your hopper to your gun),
*barrel plug (safety feature, so that you don't shoot anyone in the safe area, plugs inside your barrel).
it'll be a good place to start if your a new 'un!
If, on the other hand, your looking a bit higher up in class of markers, a mate is selling
a spyder esprit with barrel,
brand new, never been used, for the same price, but its got no bottom line or reg.
(Bottom line is the hose that transfers gas from your bottle to your marker and a 'reg' or regulator, regulates the pressure to your mark to about 300psi. (that right?))
hope i wasn't too patronising. sorry if i was.