hello all
am Danny and am new to paintball had my 1st trainin session today so am looking for players we have 3 and we live in the mansfield area
any takers ????????????
As most of the guys are going to say anyway, post up a few details about your team.
1. If your playing sup air or woodsball (guess is sup air)
2. what gear if any you have.
3. Age i.e for travel arrangements etc.
4. where you train
5. make sure you know everything you need to about the sport before creating a team otherwise you are not going to go anywhere.
add on lads and lasses if i missed anyhting
Regards Christian
any age welcome , we play in red and black (dye) ya sup air , we have ion's but we do have spare guns i have a mini and my m8 has a angel 1 .
where u from ? cos you will have to make ur own way to any games