Originally posted by tires
I got a tem together; we are not very organized yet though; we don't have a meeting time; or any guns;or any money; I don't know what to do about it; can anybody help
Well at least you have a team together!
I'm assuming by a team you mean there's a group of you that go and play at a field somewhere. If you ain't got markers I'm going to assume you rent your kit.
So addressing each of your points
Get organised, sort out a captain, whatever works for you but make sure there is 1 point of contact and 1 person that delegates stuff.
Meetings are good and should be held over a beer, (preferably
hint hint Nick). Work out an agenda for the meeting and use it to decide where you're gonna play, who's doing what and why, and sort out any little niggles your team has before they turn into something bigger.
Markers.....well I suppose you can carry on renting kit, but eventually you'll all want to buy stuff. Read everything you can before handing over your cash. If everyone on the team wants to buy the same toy then see about a bulk discount.
Story of mine, and probably everyone elses life. We've never got enough to play as often as we'd like. Find a job, marshal, sell your body
whatever...but don't expect people to hand things to you on a plate. The only people that get that are exceptional players, or exceptional teams.
Dig deep and work hard after all we work to play don't we
Some other ideas
Get friendly with your local site, offer to help out even if it's for free at first, the rewards will, (generally), come with time.
Other than that good luck and keep plugging away.