Originally posted by NaFey C Fire
This is totally off the subject but .... is that an ewok in your picture ?
O i wouldnt understand what you wrote . so if he has just started then he wont understand
I tend to get carried away easily
OK, I'll go back over it with notes for the beginner:
Originally posted by me!
Take out the guts and examine the striker o-ring carefully
That is, remove the field strip pin and pull the internals out of the back of the body. The striker is the heavy bit of metal that comes out of the bottom tube. It has one o-ring on it, sometimes red (but not always). That is the one to check really carefully. Put a drop of paintball oil on each o-ring you see before putting the innards back in.
Also take the front grip mount off and take out the valve stem to check the cup seal
Unscrew the front grip (it is screwed in with the same thread as a CO2 bottle). Then remove the screw from the body, just behind where the front grip was screwed in. The part the the grip had been screwed into should now slide out of the body, and behind it are the following items (which may or may not come out in one piece):
- a spring
- a star-shaped washer
- a plastic bit shaped like a hat
- a steel pin, screwed into the plastic bit
The cup seal is the hat-shaped bit, which should be inspected for damage around its base and replaced if necessary.
As general day-to-day maintenance, put a couple of drops of paintball gun oil into the ASA before you screw the bottle into it
That is, put a few drops of oil into the bit you're about to screw the bottle into. Then screw the bottle in and shoot the marker without paint a few times.
Like 'your mom' said - if in doubt about any o-rings, replace them, they cost pennies. Completely replacing all the parts that commonly wear out on a spyder won't cost more than a couple of quid.
Any clearer?