this game has the stench of treyarch all over it, hence why its a poo poo game. Im so upset lol.
Battlefield 3 had so much money thrown at it by EA it was silly, who the hell said it was a cod killer ?? oh thats right the fanboys and critics who they sent the game to who they knew would rate it good.
Battlefield 3 is for pc and thats the only way to play it
Also lets face it EA games are rubbish unless they dont make them lol or they happen to own all the official rights like in fifa. Lets face it, fifa 12 is a rubbish game and it only sells coz your not playing as wayne roonay and its a shame pro evo just gave up haha.
When can you honeslty say with a game you have played it really blew you away.
Batman arkham city was amazing, attention to detail, button bashing but not as you know it. Was new and fresh !!
Sorry about the rant but its rubbish that you spend £40 on a game and its erm......rubbish

and then you trade it in for another game lose money and get another rubbish game haha