This happened last wkend: My team went 4 practice (2-on-3, 2-on-2), i was on the 2-side moving up. From the snake took 1 out, (& this is the moment) had to signal my mate the new count and move up one bunker OR seize the moment & move up and maybe do addicional damage.
Well guys, this is it: When you FEEL you might have a brake what do you do? Seize it and go crazy or go on the safe side, waste those secs of opportunity & communicate with your buddy (back line, midfield)?
By the way, in practice got tagged & wasted
Well guys, this is it: When you FEEL you might have a brake what do you do? Seize it and go crazy or go on the safe side, waste those secs of opportunity & communicate with your buddy (back line, midfield)?
By the way, in practice got tagged & wasted