Well, he tells it better than I considering that he was there and that it was his gun that was mangled beyond belief, but the skinny of it is this:
Sammy had just gotten his STO, having only shot it for one day and put less than 1000 rounds through it. His family was taking a trip to Canada, and being that there's a lot of paintball action to be had up there, he packed it in his bags to take it up and play some. Naturally the Canadian customs guys search people randomly crossing in, and his whole family got their luggage searched. His paintgun was in the bottom of his suitcase, and so they got to it last, with a little bit of suspicion and way too much time on their hands...
So since a paintgun is hollow and has a gun like grip on it, they decided to "inspect" it by taking it apart down to every last nut and screw. As everyone knows a Cocker has to be put together correctly for it to work--these morons put the thing together with MONKEY WRENCHES, VISE GRIP PLIERS, AND SCREWDRIVERS. All cross threaded. Body bent. Barrel threaded in 1/4 turn past the threads and upward to the point that balls being fed in the chamber were chopping. Altogether destroyed.
No apologies. No chance for insurance because he didn't have any. He didn't get their identities, supervisor, or anything because he didn't know they did it all until he tried to play with it again and the pro shop tried to disassemble it and couldn't. And no way of getting close enough to this blatant governmentally sanctioned and protected act of outright vandalism to know it was going on until it was too late.
$800+ and a year of working for it down the drain. Thank you, Canadian customs *******s. May you rot in hell.