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UK Cougars
Jul 9, 2001
Ok the thread I got this link from from another forum, populated mainly by americans and it was about reprogramming the LCD boards (not something we actually have a use for in the UK, though interesting reading) anyhow the link that came up was for the makers of the LCD board

Here it is link here

Interesting if only from the fact that it is an "outsider" who makes all kind of other electro goodies.

One of the topics that was contained in the thread I was reading was the ability to change the "LIVE" to anything else, well within the limits of the boards design/desplay capabilties, that I would be interested in but the purchase of a data link cable (in the thread there are other ways of doing it) puts me off...one of my team has a datalink cable though he has all the extra tools aswell and never does any tech work on his Angel...just hands it into a shop??? well some people have more money than sense.

Ok thats about it...not really sure what this post is about really just seemed like a good idea to share some knowledge :)