Hi i just recently purchased a new invert mini brand new from empire and i have played with it twice so far. I have noticed the fps ranges 25 to 30 fps every shot very inconsistent and i can't figure out why i just recently played this past weekend and took it home snd cleaned the poppet o-ring and re greased it i have not had a chance to try and crono it since then. I called the manufacturer and they said to start there i do not have a crono so it will have to wait till next weekend to try again. I was wondering if anyone has had this problem before or has any insight everything i have is brand new tank and all im wondering if it needs to be broke in a little first like play with it more or if greasing the poppet o-ring is a fix or whatever the case may be any help would be greatly appreciated i really dont want to send the marker back seeing i like to play very often and i do not have another marker as back up i did grease the bolt while on the field and it seemed to shoot a littke more consistent after maybe varying between 15-20 fps but i can't remember exactly but thanks in advance to any help