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Millennium Series Amsterdam


New Member
Jul 17, 2001
portugal and poland
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We will close registration tomorrow afternoon for the probably the best event of the year.
Over 100 teams for all over the world in the best venue in Europe (most liberal country in the world ). Amsterdam is the best city of Europe. High prizes money 20 000 euros.
All of that with the famous quality of the Millennium Series.
The Millennium Series is, by far, the Best series in the world
visit us at www.millennium-series.com
or www.millenniumamsterdam.com

if you want to register:
call + 44 12 73696700
e-mail: diablodirect@yahoo.co.uk

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
No worries, you'll fit right in. On Dam Square there is usually some guy in a kilt, wearing a giant Q-tip for a hat, playing the bagpipes really, REALLY loudly.
And if he ain't there, there's a street full of bars that you'll fit into nicely. Just go over there and sing something by the weather girls, or 'It's raining men', whatever floats your boat...:D