Fields size,
That's sounds about OK, I just didn't know how that relates to a NNPL 10man field in case that was something they missed in the NPPL to Mill "conversion"
While that is how I thought I knew it worked, I just think the use of the word divisions is misleading as that implies that teams will be having the same schedule as the other 10 teams in their "division" and not accounting for Pro's playing Pro's etc etc. It is probably more a problem of translation but I would suggest that it it referred to as a team's "preliminary round schedule" or similar
From memory radios where also in last years rules but also not enforced (GZ did themselves at Joy). I wondered how "enforced" iit would be last year.
I also thought that guesting was now by means of transfer only. It is not explicitly disallowed in the rules, I feel it should be. THe Rules are what isn't allowed, as well as what is.
12 Team Semi.
Again, I thought the 3 x 4 divisions were seeded that way but how are the top 4 chosen? Division winners and first loser on points? in the event of a tie (more likely with 3 games) what are the tiebreakers?
Laters mate