For the first time in 2010, a major series event has sold out 6 weeks prior to the starting date; it is a significant achievement when we factor in the current economic climate.
The Millennium has been working extremely hard of late with the EPBF and various regional organisations to try and assist the growth and well-being of teams in order to protect our sport. The fact that Paris is full so early is testament to these efforts.
As of today, the Millennium organisation are working on several possible options to see if the number of teams can be expanded for Paris due to the unprecedented team response. Already there is a growing waiting list which the Millennium will do its best to accommodate should any of the options just mentioned come to fruition.
In the meantime, should any teams still want to attend but haven’t yet booked in; it’s still worth placing your team entry on the waiting list. It’s hoped that confirmation of the proposed expanded team listing will be available shortly.
The Millennium Series intend to make sure that Paris will be an event to remember for all the right reasons and certainly not one to be missed.
Over the summer, the Millennium board members have spent a considerable amount of time working on the 2011 event series; we are taking in studies and opinions from industry consultants at all levels so as to make the changes necessary to ensure the Millennium Series 2011 will be the best season yet.
This initiative is a work in progress and we will be seeking valued feedback from team owners and representatives as this year unfolds.
The Millennium looks forward to seeing as many of you as possible in Paris and we are working hard to try and make sure we see a lot more.
It is obvious this event is going to be a defining event for the Millennium year and any teams wishing to be part of it should join the waiting list by contacting Paula directly at head office as soon as is possible.