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Millenium Questions

Iron Lions - Ed

Active Member
Oct 16, 2003
Does anyone know more about the M5 format? I know it's aimed at Div 4 i.e local teams to get a chance to take part in the Millenium experience but is there anything stopping a team playing this for the whole series? Does it earn M5 series points or will each event be stand alone?

Also are cross divisional games being cut in every division?

When are Millenium releasing all the information to the public?

Syd (NSPL)

NSPL and Pr0to KotH
Aug 30, 2001
Torquay, UK
The idea is to run the M5 games in a similar manner to the European Indoor. One (slightly larger netted) field will be taken away from the Friday games overnight and divided in to two. The M5 games will be played on these two fields corner to corner on Saturday and Sunday. Both fields will be started at the same time with a quick turn around.

I'm not sure about series points. The whole idea with the M5 format is to encourage local teams in to the Millennium events, so I don't think it is aimed at 5-man squads attending all events. Of course, there's no reason why you couldn't. I would guess that series points will be awarded, but we will see a huge number of teams in the rankings list with points from only one event.

No cross-division games for the M5 as I understand it, not sure about other divs. It would make sense to phase cross-divisional games out altogether.
Cross divisional games serve only one objective which is to lure lower ned teams with the opportunity to play the big names. This just makes the end results less valid and makes a mockery of any chance of relegation or promotion.

Teams in the lower divisions need to accept that the MS is not just a jolly anymore and should be approached in amuch tougher light.


Cookie member
Aug 29, 2001
Millennium Series Pressrelease - 2006 format and structure

It is a great pleasure for us to inform you of the new and dynamic format and structure for the Millennium 2006 events.

Firstly you may or not know that the Millennium is no longer a collective of 5 independent promoters, we have now restructured the board to create a single company responsible for all Millennium events which will result in a more professional and productive structure.

The formation of a new format
A fourth division will be introduced, playing in a format new to the MS to be known as M5
This new format will be :
- 5 man
- 500€ entry fee
- minimum 12 games
- played Saturday and Sunday only
This new M5 format is designed to enable local 5 man teams to participate and enjoy the atmosphere at any of the Millennium events they have previously been unable to attend due to cost and difficulty in having 7 players available for the 3 days.

Division 1,2,3 will continue on 7 man format as in 2005, with option to use the new and exciting M7 (Champion’s Paintball League format ) in 2007

M7 format.

This new and dynamic format has been created by taking the best features from all previous competition formats to produce a format that is exciting for both players to play and for spectators to watch.
The main considerations were demands by the players for a format both more exciting and still economical and even more importantly to develop a format , which can be played throughout the world as an industry standard from Asia to America.

In brief, M7 will be a match play format with teams playing 3 prelim matches.
Each match will take a maximum of 15 minutes playing time or the 1st team who achieve 5 wins.

After presenting our new M7 format to the sixteen champion’s league team captains we are very pleased to announce their unanimous support at being the first to play M7.

Pete Robinson captain and owner of Nexus London said :-

“After being presented with the new M7 CPL, I’m looking forward to being part of this new era of European paintball. This new type format will I believe pave the way for it being adopted across the world and will once again put the European paintball tournament scene at the forefront of World Paintball.
I think the Millennium Board have responded to what was needed and what was being asked of them, and in this sense, it’s a huge step forward and a harbinger of things to come for both the European player and team.
We are now seeing the first real steps along the World unification path; it had to be done, Europe needed it, paintball needed it; the Millennium have begun the process with a brave and innovative initiative”

The Millennium board


Cookie member
Aug 29, 2001
M7 Champions League format

M7 Champions League format
This format comes from the Xball lite format. It has been developed to reduce the amount of paint for teams and increase the number of teams that can play per day per field.
Scoring and times can be adjusted to each level of play or budget. This format can be played with stop-watches (1 for main time, 1 for time out) and does not require expensive scoreboard.

. Coin toss to determine sides
. One period
.15 minutes
.Stop time
. 3 minutes of time break between points for 2006 ( 2 minutes for 2007)
. Race for Points
.First team to score 5 points wins
.Change sides after every 3 points
.If tied at the end of regulation time, sudden death point. (overtime of 5 minutes). (If still tied cf rules)
.teams will receive 1 point for the following reasons:
.A valid buzzer ring
.The coach throws in the towel
.The opposing team is assessed a penalty in the final 90 seconds of the game.
. One time out per team per game
.One minute
.Must be called with 10 seconds or more on time out clock
. Maximum 7 players per game.
. Maximum 9 players on the roaster.
. 1 Coach allowed in the player area.
. Maximum 10 people on the player area.
. Season Roaster to be set later during the year.
. No armbands
. No flag (Buzzer instead)
. Penalties: Millennium paintball penalties are used. ( one-for-ones, two-for-ones-three-for-ones). If there are not enough players on the field, team plays short for next points.
. Coach: Coaching (communicating to the players on the field during game play) is allowed from the pit crew area. Furthermore coaching from the spectators side line is also allowed as long coaches are not using any megaphone, sounds speaker, or any device that can generate sound (including but not limited to whistles and amplifying megaphones). Non-amplified megaphones must be used in the assigned seating area (eg. Bleachers) A 5 meters distance will separate netting from the spectators side line.

. All other rules of Millennium apply

M7 timing
. Maximum game time : 15 minutes + (3 minutes X 9 points) + (2 x 1 minute time-outs) = 44 minutes
. Schedule games every 45 minutes
. Play games in sequence as time permits
. Can finish early, cannot finish late
.estimated average score: 6 points.
.Estimated average time: 15 minutes + (3 minutes x 6 points ) + (2 x 1 minute time-outs) = 35 minutes

Attendance: Teams agree to attend all 5 CPL events in the 2006 calendar. In the case a team is not coming to an event ( with the exception of special circumstances), the team will loose their spot.
Registration: Teams need to be registered under a company name or association. Dead line 1st july
Votes: Decisions are made by votes. Majority by 2/3. Default board decision
Spot Selling: No spot can be sold to another team based on 2005 qualification. If a team does not want to take up its qualification option, it will be offered to the next qualified team at no charge by The Millennium. At the end of the 2006 season the Millennium will allow teams to “sell” their spot if they desire. However in order to protect the quality and integrity of the league, the Millennium will charge a flat fee. The amount will be decided next meeting.
. Team Names: Teams must add a city name to their name. ( country name are not allowed)
However they may not change their name from the 2005 qualification except in special circumstances like adding a sponsor . In any case this must be approved by The Millennium Board
. Relegation: At the end of the 2006 season the bottom two teams will be relegated to Division 1. The two top placed Division 1 teams will then be promoted to the CPL.

. Field size: 46m x 38m ( same as an Xball field)
. Field design committee: 5 persons
.Sam from Shockwave
.Christian from Menace
.Steeve from JT All stars
.Laurent From Millennium.
.Simon from Millennium
Field design committee must design and submit layout 1 month before each event.
It has been agreed that after the first event, the CPL’s teams will met the committee to discuss the future designs in order to improve it.
. Intercontinental Cup
The best 4 ranked teams at the end of the season will be qualified to play the Intercontinental Cup in Orlando, USA, against the best 4 NXL teams.
The event will takes place before the NXL play-off during 2 days.
Then, the CPL Teams will be able to play either on D1, D2 or D3 at their convenience.
Entree fee will be covered.
However we need a confirmation from the PSP regarding several details before making any official announcement.


New Member
Mar 3, 2003
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. Maximum game time : 15 minutes + (3 minutes X 9 points) + (2 x 1 minute time-outs) = 44 minutes
Not that it makes a big difference but if 9 points are played there would only be 8 breaks between the points.

Maximum game time : 15 minutes + (3 minutes X 8 breaks) + (2 x 1 minute time-outs) = 41 minutes.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2003
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Originally posted by Bolle
Not that it makes a big difference but if 9 points are played there would only be 8 breaks between the points.
Don't forget the overtime. If the game is tied 4-4 and the time runs out when playing for the 9th point (no point scored), then there will be a 9th timeout before the overtime. Actually they have forgotten to add the 5min overtime to the maximum game time.