Ramping was basically just a hashed up backlash attempt to try and tame the cheats out there !
Some gifted people can genuinly exceed 15-20+bps, but in the real world most people have a normal game speed of 8-10bps (i'm talking "actual speed" without the bull-s##t factor), but if you set a gun to bounce or fit a cheat board then the slow people can match and exceed the gifted players and thus close the playing advantage.
The problem now for organisers is insurance, as the companys are closing down availability of cover for events, or charging premium rates which in turn have to be passed on to the player,
Ramping is genuinly bad for paintball and really needs to be stopped, don't get me wrong i run a ramped gun and enjoy it, but i only use ramping because it's available, if they stop it then so shall i, but for the future of the sport we need to go back to semi and change peoples attitudes away from "acceptable cheating" !