Hi ladies and Gents, just a few dates of upcoming events for your diary ;
16th of October, October walkon, every month since January Mayhem have had over 40 players for each of our walkons, the numbers speak for themselves surely this is an event you cannot miss out on !
20th November, Mayhem Call of Duty Walkon Day, This will be Mayhem paintballs first ever Walk On Call of Duty scenario day. Including the release of our brand new Call of Duty field. We are currently in the process of adding the finishing touches to our very own Cod map. Mayhem are proud to announce we have built ourselfs a real life, to scale, as good as possible, to scale CoD map ! This ladies and gents is THE closest thing to getting inside your T.V and playing Call of Duty for real !
We already have an amazing site with unbelieveable concept fields, this is the icing on the cake and the cherry on the icing. Mayhem is an unbelieveable site and if you havent yet played you have no idea of what you are missing out on.
Throughout the day we will be playing many different call of duty multi-player missions, search and destroy, capture the flag, headquarters and many more. Missions will be multi-map and some missions will feature regeneration scenarios, air and paint will be avaliable on the field this a must for your paintballing diarys !!
11th December - Mayhem Christmas Walkon always has amazing numbers, fancy dress (nothing more satisfying than shooting a walking xmas tree) charity raffle with all proceeds going to Great Ormands street hospital. Normally 100+ players makes it a fantastic event and a great way to end the paintballing year !
All prices are £50 per head including a box of paint, further boxes are £30 per box but players will receive a £5 discount on all extra boxes bought when pre paid for any events. Mayhem is strictly a site only paint site, no paint brought from any outside sources will be allowed to be shot on site, this is for the safety and protection of our site and customers. On each walkon day players will have unlimited use of our 3k air fills, our on site gun techs are always avaliable to sort any problems or niggles.
We have a well stocked on site shop stocking most items from all good paintball companys aswell as at least 3 different grades of paint.
Mayhem paintball have an amazing site, (rumors say the best in the country
), friendly staff and players make a great atmosphere and a fantastic day out for all. For bookings, more information or even a friendly chat please dont hesitate to drop us an email mayhem-paintball@btinternet.com or give myself (Ross ), Ronnie or Dave a ring 9-5 7 days a week on 01708 688 517
Ive included a link to the videos of Septembers walkon
Hoping to see you all sooon !!
16th of October, October walkon, every month since January Mayhem have had over 40 players for each of our walkons, the numbers speak for themselves surely this is an event you cannot miss out on !
20th November, Mayhem Call of Duty Walkon Day, This will be Mayhem paintballs first ever Walk On Call of Duty scenario day. Including the release of our brand new Call of Duty field. We are currently in the process of adding the finishing touches to our very own Cod map. Mayhem are proud to announce we have built ourselfs a real life, to scale, as good as possible, to scale CoD map ! This ladies and gents is THE closest thing to getting inside your T.V and playing Call of Duty for real !
We already have an amazing site with unbelieveable concept fields, this is the icing on the cake and the cherry on the icing. Mayhem is an unbelieveable site and if you havent yet played you have no idea of what you are missing out on.
Throughout the day we will be playing many different call of duty multi-player missions, search and destroy, capture the flag, headquarters and many more. Missions will be multi-map and some missions will feature regeneration scenarios, air and paint will be avaliable on the field this a must for your paintballing diarys !!
11th December - Mayhem Christmas Walkon always has amazing numbers, fancy dress (nothing more satisfying than shooting a walking xmas tree) charity raffle with all proceeds going to Great Ormands street hospital. Normally 100+ players makes it a fantastic event and a great way to end the paintballing year !
All prices are £50 per head including a box of paint, further boxes are £30 per box but players will receive a £5 discount on all extra boxes bought when pre paid for any events. Mayhem is strictly a site only paint site, no paint brought from any outside sources will be allowed to be shot on site, this is for the safety and protection of our site and customers. On each walkon day players will have unlimited use of our 3k air fills, our on site gun techs are always avaliable to sort any problems or niggles.
We have a well stocked on site shop stocking most items from all good paintball companys aswell as at least 3 different grades of paint.
Mayhem paintball have an amazing site, (rumors say the best in the country
Ive included a link to the videos of Septembers walkon
Hoping to see you all sooon !!