Ladies and Gents,
On the evening of Saturday the 13th, Mayhem paintball will be releasing a new and exciting concept of paintball, hardly ever seen by the paintballing community. We have been closly working with Kee Action Sport's John Sosta, to bring his exciting new Formula 5 concept into a more scenario environment.
Formula 5 involves two centralised buzzers on the field linked to an electronic scoring board visable across the whole field. Teams must compete to press their buzzer, inturn earing points for their team. Teams are awarded 1 point for every 10 seconds of buzzer time, the buzzer can be re-taken by the opposing team at any oppotunity, although will return to neutral after 3 consecutive mintues.
Teams are also awarded 1 point per kill ofthe opposition, once a player is shot out, they must return to the end zone, and "tag" in their next player, teams will continully roatate players until the set time limit is up.
Now take this concept and add in a fantastic field on a brillent paintball site, sound like fun ? You bet it is !!!
For more information please feel free to contact me directly at the site on 01708 688 517, or email me ross@mayhem-paintball.co.uk
Cheers Ginge
On the evening of Saturday the 13th, Mayhem paintball will be releasing a new and exciting concept of paintball, hardly ever seen by the paintballing community. We have been closly working with Kee Action Sport's John Sosta, to bring his exciting new Formula 5 concept into a more scenario environment.
Formula 5 involves two centralised buzzers on the field linked to an electronic scoring board visable across the whole field. Teams must compete to press their buzzer, inturn earing points for their team. Teams are awarded 1 point for every 10 seconds of buzzer time, the buzzer can be re-taken by the opposing team at any oppotunity, although will return to neutral after 3 consecutive mintues.
Teams are also awarded 1 point per kill ofthe opposition, once a player is shot out, they must return to the end zone, and "tag" in their next player, teams will continully roatate players until the set time limit is up.
Now take this concept and add in a fantastic field on a brillent paintball site, sound like fun ? You bet it is !!!
For more information please feel free to contact me directly at the site on 01708 688 517, or email me ross@mayhem-paintball.co.uk
Cheers Ginge