Hello ladies and gents, this is a quick run down of Saturday evenings events, if you have any questions or genius ideas please feel free to contact us and we can get it all sorted for you.
16:00 onwards , all players are welcome to arrive, set up camp, have a look around , make yourselfs at home and get registered.
17:30 – fields are open for a field walk, chance to see all the good spots, work out your objectives, and see all the new and exciting features.
18:30 – Games start. Mayhem are proud to launch a first in paintball, Formula 10 on a open scenario field. We have been working closely with General John Sosta, creator of paintballs newest concept, formula 5.
F5 is a new and exciting side of paintball involving two centralised buzzers, a score board, end zones, a rotating player roster and bucket loads of fun ! Mayhem will be running Formula 10 on our Missile Command field, creating a game perfect for players of all types and backgrounds and a brilliant opportunity to try something new and exciting , plus the chance to shoot Dave Hodder a few times ;-).
Formula 10 will be running throughout the evening game time slot, we will also be running small walkon style games throughout the evening. As always all games will be run by our first class marshelling team, air and paint will be available throughout the night.
21:30 – Evening games end, food will be served until around 22:00
Our shop will be open from 16:00 until around 10:00 supplying paint, kit, anything and everything.
Gun teching will also be available throughout the night until around 21:00 and all day Sunday.
16:00 onwards , all players are welcome to arrive, set up camp, have a look around , make yourselfs at home and get registered.
17:30 – fields are open for a field walk, chance to see all the good spots, work out your objectives, and see all the new and exciting features.
18:30 – Games start. Mayhem are proud to launch a first in paintball, Formula 10 on a open scenario field. We have been working closely with General John Sosta, creator of paintballs newest concept, formula 5.
F5 is a new and exciting side of paintball involving two centralised buzzers, a score board, end zones, a rotating player roster and bucket loads of fun ! Mayhem will be running Formula 10 on our Missile Command field, creating a game perfect for players of all types and backgrounds and a brilliant opportunity to try something new and exciting , plus the chance to shoot Dave Hodder a few times ;-).
Formula 10 will be running throughout the evening game time slot, we will also be running small walkon style games throughout the evening. As always all games will be run by our first class marshelling team, air and paint will be available throughout the night.
21:30 – Evening games end, food will be served until around 22:00
Our shop will be open from 16:00 until around 10:00 supplying paint, kit, anything and everything.
Gun teching will also be available throughout the night until around 21:00 and all day Sunday.