I enjoyed Marseille. Venue was nice the city is beautiful. Its true the layout had a tendancy to segregate the different divisions but it was nice. Playing CPL was loads of fun and I must say I would not want to go back to a 7man format.... gotta fight not to get relegated....
Marseille is definitely a dangerous city and I'm not surprised that there were a couple incidents. To be honest I'm surprised their were not more.
As for CPL marshalling well I can't say it was that good. I saw some games with guys blatantly playing on and just being taken off the field with no penalties (one of these games two of the players were running around with hits on their backs) and other games where the player would make a move, run into a bunker, the guy just makes it in but gets clipped and before he can do anything he gets a one4one.
This happenned during our game against Vision and we got 9 one4ones.... was a little over the top. Example: I move into a tbag from a stand up brick, go in diving, don't feel a hit on my pack, get into position, don't even have time to fire my gun and I get a one4one. Uh aren't the refs there to check on you in this situation? Another one of my players gets into a pretty hairy situation and is being crossed up on both sides so he can't move. He hears something go pop asks for a ref to check him because if he moves to check himself he'll get shot for sure. The ref tells him he's clean. As the ref says that (my player still immobile) his colleague comes along and gives my player a one4one. Another of my players makes a move into a tbag. He goes in sliding straightens up behind the bunker, a ref comes in to check him, sees paint on his jersey and one4ones him. WTF!!! The guy makes a move, uses the bunker as a cover, lets the ref check him before doing anything and gets a one4one. It wasn't even a hit by the way. I don't know I thought the reffing was pretty inconsistent... I also saw alot of refs let the crowd influence their decisions. He makes a call, walks away, the crowd starts screaming one4one and the guy turns around like "oh yeah!" and goes and pulls a one4one. Now I'm not saying that all one4ones were unjustified but at some point it went a little crazy.
To add insult to injury the opposite happens to me. I clip a guy's back and pack, the player suddenly goes in tight like he has felt something, I shout asking the ref to check the pack, player plays on for a while, when the ref realises the guy is hit he takes him out no penalty. I get shot on the barrel during one game as I am reloading. After all the one4one we had been getting I should have known better but a little desperate at this point I tried to hide the hit. I get called out by the crowd, checked by the ref and get a well deserved one4one. As I'm leaving the field a ref on the other side goes to check on the player that just shot me out. He is hit on the knee and it just called out.... Inconsistent is all I'm saying.
I guess X-ball is a format refs have to get used to so hopefully it will get better through out the season. I thought the new BPs machine was great. You would walk on the field, check your gun and there were no surprises.
Anyway I had a brilliant time. We played Shockwave, Paintoon and Vision and the sportsmanship and atmosphere between teams were great. Now back to training before we get blasted in Germany....